"And the Lord went before them by day in a Pillar of Cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a Pillar of Fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night." Exodus 13:21
Check out how to make an 'Pillar of Cloud and Fire' craft!!

Things you'll need:
1. A Black and a Yellow chart paper.
2. Images of clouds. (Print Clouds)
3. Images of Fire. (Print Fire)
4. Images of Sun, Moon and Stars. (Print)
5. Scissors, Glue Stick and Foam Double Sided Tape.
How to make:
Pillar Of Cloud:
Take the Printout of Clouds beforehand. Cut out a Yellow chart of size 20x15 (cm). Stick some of the clouds directly to the chart with glue stick and stick the reaming clouds with the foam double sided tape (so that it pops up and gives a 3D look). Stick the image of the Sun at the corner of the chart to show that "The Pillar of Cloud" lead the people of Israel by Day.
Pillar Of Fire:
This is same as making Pillar of Cloud. Take the Printout of Fire beforehand. Cut out a Black chart of size 20x15 (cm). Stick some of the fire images directly to the chart with glue stick and stick the reaming fir images with the foam double sided tape (so that it pops up and gives a 3D look). Stick the image of the Moon and Stars at the corner of the chart to show that "The Pillar of Fire" lead the people of Israel by Night.
And this is how your craft will look once it is finished. Encourage the kids also to make one or you can make it with your kids which will be fun. Enjoy!!!
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